Publishing Workflow, Newsletter Tools, Decoupled Front-End (Unconference/Conversation Track)

3:15 to 3:45
Budgets and WordPress Publisher Dashboard
If there’s one thing more universally hated than your CMS, it might be your budgeting system. Does anybody have any that they like? Let’s share tips.


One thing we’ve always talked about internally at Tribune would be a WP dashboard that didn’t “just” track users and traffic – but a dashboard that we could use for productivity for publishers. What if we could track how many certain types of articles were published, or how many got sent to social, or how many were original content and how many were wire stories. Moving away from tracking that is just author-based, and be able to set tracking on categories or certain types of stories.

Facilitators: Meagan Ball and Will Davis

3:45 to 4:15
Newsletter Tools
What are we working on and should we team up?

Facilitator: Rebekah Monson

4:15 to 4:45
Decoupled Front-End (WP API + React)

Facilitator: Matt Johnson